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Posts: 6
What does it take to qualify at the match?
Started by Chris Payne 8 years ago
What does it take to qualify at the match Aug 9th, and what are the options if one fails to qualify? Not that I expect to fail, but I like to know the options if the worst happens

Posts: 6
Chris Payne replied 8 years ago...

Qualifying at a match is relatively easy. Just dont DQ. As I have told countless people that I have OR'd in orientation class... WALK or VERY slowly move about the courses of fire during a match. You will NOT impress anyone who has been shooting for years with your blinding speed... its been done and seen already... and you are more likely to DQ by trying to hurry. Just dont do it.

It doesnt matter what you time or score is this first time at a match that your qualifying at... what matters is you getting by it! After you get through the match you are qualified and all done! You are free to DQ pretty much without issue... it happens to everyone and WILL happen to you eventually. IF YOU DQ DURING YOUR QUALIFYING MATCH, YOU MUST TAKE THE CLASS AGAIN. Hence... WALK or go VERY SLOWLY in your first match.

Posts: 4
danstinebaugh replied 8 years ago...

Thanks for making a thread, I was just coming back to do the same, and appreciate your swift answer. Thanks Chris!

I Talk To Machines.

Posts: 6
Chris Payne replied 8 years ago...

No problem and see you at the match... and class.

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